Refrigeration and air conditioning

Specialized in industrial and commercial refrigeration and air conditioning.

We support our customers in the installation, maintenance and optimization of their refrigeration systems, and in reducing their environmental impact.

For more than 20 years, these Business Units have been at your side, from the definition of your projects to their realization, whether in industrial refrigeration, commercial refrigeration and air treatment.

As integrators, we are able to offer the most relevant hardware-based solutions, according to your needs and specifications. our Business Units specialized in refrigeration work closely with you to carry out the study, design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of commercial and industrial refrigeration solutions.

Our expertise in energy performance for refrigeration and air conditioning systems

Industrial cold

We design and implement customized high-power industrial cooling installations (refrigeration, freezing tunnel), for various sectors (food industry, pharmacy, cosmetics, logistics, plastics, chemicals, petrochemicals and marine)

Commercial refrigeration

We work with large retailers (hypermarkets, supermarkets) and logistical warehouses.

We design, build and maintain reliable refrigeration systems to ensure the cold chain and the preservation of products under optimal temperature and hygiene conditions (refrigeration equipment, cold room, refrigerated cabinets or display cases and any cold production equipment …)

Air treatment

Our Business Units are highly specialized and fully aware of the constraints, needs and industrial processes of the sectors in which we operate in air treatment (pharmaceutical, petrochemical industry, agribusiness, offshore, automotive industry). We perform humidification/dehumidification installations, air conditioning installations, and systems guaranteeing a controlled atmosphere. We are familiar with the requirements for installations in clean rooms and ATEX zones.

Maintenance of industrial & commercial cold systems

The continuity of your activity and your production tool being essential, we ensure the maintenance of your installations. Preventive maintenance plan, 24/7 intervention contracts, remote management, supervision, CMMS, etc. We support you in choosing the maintenance that best suits your needs and constraints. In order to simplify maintenance and facilitate monitoring, we use mobility tools allowing the dematerialization of administrative documents. Our technicians and customers thus have access to data stored on an extranet. This solution simplifies our exchanges and reduces paper consumption

Energy and environmental optimization

We participate in the energy performance of your installations and in the control of your energy consumption by offering economical and more environment-friendly solutions such as the use of propane, ammonia (NH3), CO2, Water (R718).

We optimize the energy efficiency of your refrigeration and air treatment systems by implementing several energy saving solutions, especially heat recovery equipment.

We are familiar with the various financial aid you may be entitled to, and support you in compiling files (EEC, subsidies, financial services, over liquidation).

Reliable and qualified companies

The safety of our employees is at the heart of our priorities and concerns. BSE GROUP ETS Business Units are made aware and mobilized to maintain everyone’s safety during our interventions.

Finally, in order to meet industry requirements and offer quality and safety services, our terms are certified (Quali Froid, Quali Clima, Mase, CE, Ex Atex, ADC Fluides, ISO 9001, ISO 14001).